Protein Bar - Peanut & Cacao 32g x 12
Protein Bar - Peanut & Cacao 32g x 12
Protein Bar - Peanut & Cacao 32g x 12
Protein Bar - Peanut & Cacao 32g x 12

Protein Bar - Peanut & Cacao 32g x 12

Discount Rate : %20 Discount
Price : ₺659,95(Vat included)
Discounted : ₺527,96(Vat included)
The unique harmony of natural energy source peanuts with cocoa has combined with Fellas quality. It satisfies both sweet cravings and snack needs. The energy and flavor you're looking for are hidden in the Peanut and Cocoa Protein Bar (32 g). It's high in protein, 100% natural, sugar-free, low-calorie optimum size, gluten-free, additive-free, and preservative-free.
  • Hurma
  • Yer fıstığı (%15)
  • Süt Proteini Konsantresi
  • Kakao kitlesi (%7)
  • Bitkisel Protein Tozu
  • Pirinç Unu
  • Kakao Yağı, Kakao Tozu (%3)
  • Peyniraltı Suyu Proteini Konsantresi
  • Hindibakökü Lifi (İnülin)
  • Doğal Aroma Verici (%0,1)
  • Gluten
  • Tatlandırıcı
  • İlave Şeker
  • Trans Yağlar
  • Katkı ve Koruyucular

Hurma, yer fıstığı (%15), hurma suyu, süt proteinleri konsantresi, kakao kitlesi (%7)(kakao yağı, kakao tozu), bitkisel protein tozu (pirinç, bezelye), pirinç unu, kakao tozu (%3), peyniraltı suyu proteini konsantresi, hindiba kökü lifi (inülin), kakao yağı, doğal aroma verici (%0,1)

Besin Değerleri 100 g 32 g
Enerji (kj/kcal) 1514/362 484/116
Yağ (g) 5,9 1,9
Doymuş Yağ (g) 1,6 0,5
Karbonhidrat (g) 48,0 15,0
Şeker (g) 25,0 8,1
Lif (g) 8,3 2,7
Protein (g) 25,0 8,0
Tuz (g) 0,25 0,08
Birlikte İyi Gider
cultureSettings.RegionId: 0 cultureSettings.LanguageCode: EN
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